Archiv für den Monat: Dezember 2018

KW-53-2018: 20 Jahre #RUFUS_WAINWRIGHT. Der letzte Cohenpedia-Beitrag für 2018, am 31.12.2018: Der cohenpedia-e-letter No. 5 über die zwanzigjährige Karriere des #RUFUS_WAINWRIGHT. 1998 veröffentlichte er sein DEbutalbum. 2018 sang der Schwiegersohn Leonard Cohens jeweils 2 Songs seines Schwiegervaters in seinen Konzerten: #Hallelujah & #So_Long_Marianne


Eigentlich sollte der cohenpedia-eletter No. 5 über RUFUS WAINWRIGHT schon im Sommer erscheinen, als der Schwiegersohn von Leonard Cohen live auf deutschen Bühnen zu sehen war. Doch anlässlich des ersten PERLA BETALLA-KOnzertes in Deutschland am 18.11.18, das von als Medienpartner begleitet wurde, gab es die vorgezogene No. 6 früher.

Alle cohenpedia-e-letter bis dato hier:

Nichtsdestotrotz und nicht vergessen:  RUFUS WAINWRIGHT

KW-53-2018: LEONARD COHEN goes GOTHIC, dank CINDERGARDEN. Die Gothic Singer/ Songwruiterin „Cindergarden“ nimmt ein Tribute-Album auf. Cindergarden Creates A Tribute Album To Inspire Hope & Change Through The Timeless Songs & Wisdom Of Leonard Cohen.


Cindergarden Creates A Tribute Album To Inspire Hope & Change Through The Timeless Songs & Wisdom Of Leonard Cohen.

With a charming new record centered around dedication and love, gothic singer/songwriter Cindergarden reinterprets the music of Leonard Cohen through her own unique perspective on the wildly anticipated new album To The End Of Love: A Leonard Cohen Tribute. Over the course of eleven magnificent covers that shine a bright light on the legendary poet’s important words, Cohen’s lyrics have never been so necessary to our world as they are right now – and Cindergarden has found exceptional ways to reimagine his timeless writing into all-new creations that resonate in the mind, heart, & soul. Designed to move you through gripping sincerity, breathtakingly graceful & angelic vocals, & variations that shows respect for the original songs while taking listeners on a true odyssey through the music & words of one of the greatest legends our world has ever known – Cindergarden arranged a flawless lineup of Cohen’s material into a gorgeous album that truly pays tribute through creativity & purpose. To The End Of Love is an immaculate collection.

Virtually channeling the spirit of Cohen while in the studio to record her own inspired versions of his classic songs, Cindergarden felt Leonard’s presence guide her throughout the entire creative process surrounding the music, direction, ideas, and flow of To The End Of Love. Tapping directly into the powerful emotions behind the thought-provoking & poetic lyricism that made him one of the most respected artists of our time, Cindergarden’s ethereal sound & boldly artistic approach provides an experience like no other & does justice to his legacy by expanding on his music in expressive & profound ways that honor Cohen’s body of work by furthering the journey of each song.

From the moment the new Cindergarden record begins with the languidly dreamy sounds of her recreation of Cohen’s hit “Suzanne,” it immediately becomes clear through her rendition that she was destined to sing these songs one day. With audible care for the material and the courage to challenge convention, she dives deep into important songs that carry weight and messages that need to be heard in today’s tumultuous political atmosphere as found on “The Future” and “Democracy” – Cindergarden will also explore love thematically throughout To The End Of Love on brilliant, heartfelt & haunting covers of “Tower Of Song,” “Dance Me To The End Of Love” and “True Love Leaves No Traces.” Often combining symphonic, orchestral and electro elements together like she does on “Everybody Knows” and the subtly epic “First We Take Manhattan,” Cindergarden reveals how far she’s evolved in her art as a producer, singer, composer, and musician, by bringing the remarkable emotion & heartfelt melodies of Cohen’s originals straight to the surface to be appreciated & heard in a new light.

Released officially on November 7th, 2018 – the day after the midterm elections in the United States and the memorial of Cohen’s passing – Cindergarden has immersed her soul in Leonard’s world and is proud to put his words out there once again at a time we all need to hear them clearly. Whether offering key insight & wisdom through strong covers of tunes like “Waiting For The Miracle” and “Who By Fire,” or offering comfort & relief to listeners through her awe inspiring version of “Hallelujah,” the themes of hope, change, love, and compassion are ever-present, vibrantly realized, & humbly put forth for all to enjoy.

With authentic passion in her enigmatic, swirling vocals and an intense desire to assist in guiding the entire world towards a better tomorrow – this album reflects the true heart & intentions of Cindergarden, pairing her spectacular singing, wild ideas, & stunning sound with Cohen’s poetic genius & legendary point of view.

Track listing:

  1. Suzanne
  2. The Future
  3. Hallelujah
  4. Democracy
  5. Everybody Knows (revision)
  6. Waiting for the Miracle
  7. Who By Fire
  8. Tower of Song
  9. First We Take Manhattan
  10. Dance Me to the End of Love
  11. True Love Leaves No Traces


released November 7, 2018


KW-53-2018: NICHTS BLEIBT FÜR DIE EWIGKEIT – Die 53. KW ist kurz – was bleibt? Einige letzte Erinnerungen … wie z.B. an einen MUSIK-TV-SENDER wie VIVA, der heute, am 31.12.2018 nach 25 Jahren euingestellt wird. Um Punkt 14.00 Uhr ist Schluß. Dann soll der Video-Clip als letzter laufen, der damals vor 25 Jahren zum ersten Mal lief. … DIE FANTASTISCHEN VIER

Photo: Christof Graf (Die Fanta 4 bei Rock am Ring 2014)