Archiv für den Monat: Dezember 2022

KW-52-2022: RIP DanMcCafferty von #Nazareth, der schon am 8. November 2022 verstorben ist. In Erinnerung an ein Doppelkonzert mit #UriahHeep vor zehn Jahren in Zweibrücken.
KW-52-2022: God is no Dj, but maybe he will become one – Der tod macht nicht vor weihnachten halt – Maxi Jazz ist tot: Faithless-Sänger mit 65 Jahren an Heiligabend gestorben – Faithless playing Insomnia LIVE at their very last concert @ Brixton in April 2011.

KW-52-2022: die leichentaucherin – wertlose steine am ende ihres lebens –
die leichentaucherin – wertlose steine am ende ihres lebens –
vor der pandemie fuhr sie jeden morgen mit der s-bahn in die landeshauptstadt
immer auf der suche nach perlen
auch nach jenen, die sie anderen abnahm
während der pandemie führ sie jeden morgen mit der s-bahn in die landeshauptstadt
immer auf der suche nach perlen
auch nach jenen, die sie anderen abnahm
nach der pandemie fuhr sie jeden morgen mit der s-bahn in die landeshauptstadt
immer auf der suche nach perlen
auch nach jenen, die sie anderen abnahm
bis heute stochert sie in überresten verwester leichen und sammelt wertlose steine
die sie anderen als perlen verkaufen möchte
die aber lachen nur …
(*taken from the forthcoming book: „Das Kartenhaus“)
KW-52-2022: my lil-corona-tagebuch: gute nachrichten am ende des jahres: Der Intensivmediziner Karagiannidis rechnet mit einem Ende der Corona-Pandemie nach diesem Winter. Der Virologe Drosten geht sogar noch einen Schritt weiter. Seiner Einschätzung nach ist die Pandemie bereits vorüber.
„Corona nach dem Winter vorbei“
Der Intensivmediziner Karagiannidis rechnet mit einem Ende der Corona-Pandemie nach diesem Winter. Der Virologe Drosten geht sogar noch einen Schritt weiter. Seiner Einschätzung nach ist die Pandemie bereits vorüber.
Mit Blick auf die Corona-Pandemie hat sich der Intensivmediziner Christian Karagiannidis optimistisch geäußert. „Ich rechne fest damit, dass die Pandemie jetzt zunehmend ausläuft“, sagte das Mitglied im Corona-Expertenrat der Bundesregierung dem „Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland“
Quelle: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/corona-winter-karagiannidis-101.html

KW-52-2022: #Famous_Blue_Raincoat Leonard Cohen Cover sung by Marillion `s Steve Hogarth live in Warszawa Palladium/ Poland, 3.12.2022 – BLOG.LEONARDCOHEN.DE & COHENPEDIA.DE : Steve Hogarth did Leonard Cohen`s Famous Blue Raincoat in one of his (H NATURAL) concerts – (Warszawa Palladium 3.12.2022). – After listenig to „pat papertown`s“ video of Abba`s „The Day Before You Came“ , I asked him, wether he taped FBR as well, and he did. Thanks so much for sharing :-)
KW-52… and since he startet his H-Neutral-Concerts 20 years gao, beside his Marillion-activities, he performed Famous Blue Raincoat several times…
KW-51-2022: Merry X-Mas 2022 : #StilleNacht #SilentNight sung by #SteveHogarth of #Marillion – 09.12.2022 Kreuzkirche Bonn/ Germany

KW-51-2022: „I’ve never gotten over the pleasure of someone covering one of my songs, which probably stems from coming up as a folksinger where it was understood that songs develop a patina through interpretation. I feel that’s the mark of excellence,“ Leonard Cohen once said. – MORE COVER-Versions on a New COVER-Album: SONGS OF LIGHT & DARKNESS
2022 release. „I’ve never gotten over the pleasure of someone covering one of my songs, which probably stems from coming up as a folksinger where it was understood that songs develop a patina through interpretation. I feel that’s the mark of excellence,“ Leonard Cohen once said. Of all the CDs we have released since 2018, „Hallelujah: The Songs Of Leonard Cohen“ (is the best seller. By popular demand, here’s our second selection of Cohen covers, including versions of two songs never recorded by the man himself. It was the poems of his hero, Federico García Lorca, that gave Cohen permission to write. Not to imitate Lorca’s style or content, but to pick up a gauntlet that had been thrown down. Alongside Lorca, he found inspiration in folk and country, songs of solidarity, songs of survival in the face of oppression. Yet there were earthier reasons why Cohen wrote, and particularly why he augmented his first loves, poetry and prose, with songwriting and performing. Just as murder is mostly committed for passion or money, so Cohen became a singer-songwriter in large part because of these twin motivations. In the former he was certainly successful. As regards the latter, his life as a singer-songwriter meant he was able to live far more comfortably than on his poetry and fiction alone. However, songwriting was an arduous endeavour for him. ‚Hallelujah‘, for example, took over four years to write – His consummate skill in rhetorical and literary devices, his knowledge of religious doctrine and ceremony, his willingness to include profanity and sexually explicit imagery, and of course his black humour all combine to make his songs unlike any other. This is one of the reasons that his songs have been so in-demand from serious musical talents, and why Ace Records‘ second volume of Cohen’s songs is as rich as the first. Just as he found Lorca’s poetry a touchstone for himself, the artists on here seem to take up Leonard Cohen not to copy him, not even to emulate him, but to find their own voice from the considerable challenge he sets them.